
Inspired by my trip back home. The most inspiring moments are when you’re surrounded by the foundations that created you in the first place.

I lost my way when I allowed the storm to cloud my judgement
I lost my way when I shared my deepest desires with the wrong people

I lost my way when I projected my emotions onto others

I lost my way when I did not know myself and became a product of those around me


Losing all of myself and rediscovering myself was a beautiful process.

A moment where you redefine yourself

A moment you where you make decisions only for you

A moment where you realize the sun shines with so much passion.

A moment where you rise from your own ashes.


You remember the roots you’ve known had always been there

You remember the roots are deep within the soil

You remember that even after the storm,

You withstand the violent wind — strong, grounded, and tall.

For when you come back to your roots, you remind yourself all that you are.




Building Your Self-Worth