Don’t Let The Internet Rush You

No quarter life crisis here (I had that last year lol) but certainly a type of reflection of where I thought I would be by my age. We often find ourselves having a plan of how life should be and then get upset when it doesn’t happen. Let me tell you: at age 17, I thought I was going to be married by 23, have the house, pop out kids by 25, and have such a thriving career. Reality is the older you get, the more like you’re like wtf do I know about life?!?!?

And I’m not here to diminish those who have already done this because I do not know their struggles, their successes, and the ultimate journey that has shaped who they are today. I’m writing this because I think it’s important to remind others (most importantly myself) that we all have the perfect timeline and that everything is coming in due time. The money is coming, the love is coming, the house is coming, the kid is coming. All your blessings are coming. Believe it!

As humans part of this bigger collective —we live in an era where we have access to more content and are connected to each other more than ever. It has become so much easier to compare our lives to others and go down the spiral “I’m not there yet/I don’t have the house yet/ I don’t have the car yet/I don’t have the ring yet” etc.

The truth is everyone has their own unique journey.

And if we keep comparing, nothing we do will ever be enough for us.

Take me as an example. I am the first in my family to go to college. A huge blessing, which I am forever grateful for. I am able to do the things that my parents at my age had never done, and my grandparents could have never imagined. To them and my extended family, I hit the lottery. But if I compared my life to someone like Kylie Jenner (I’ll just use her as an example), there’s probably a huge gap. Granted, I’m not aspiring to be like Kylie Jenner, but the point I’m trying to make is that there will always be someone who has more than me. And that someone will always have someone else who has more than them. And so forth.

Really, what we should be focusing on is enjoying life because it is truly a journey with so many different seasons. And focus on doing things from peace. You want to be able to say that you made every year count and that you did your best. It may not have turned out how you expected, but we grew, we learned, and we’re moving forward wiser, finer, and better than ever.

All this to say — don’t let the internet rush you and tricking you into thinking you’re not meant to be where you are. BUT. If you don’t like where you are, change it. Too scared? Build the courage to go after it. Not sure? Make the decision and find out. Work harder. Because you have to remember at the end of the day, this journey is about you and the decisions you make. How you create the magic in life is by doing things you’re scared to do. If you want it so bad, you’ll make it happen for sure.

Do it so you can look back and say:

“Wow, I really did that on my own.”

Until next time. (I KNOW I HAVEN’T BEEN CONSISTENT. LET ME ROCK. For now hahah).

- Gaby


The Ending of 2021


Birthday Edition