W.A.Y.S. Part 2

This is a follow-up to my first blog called “W.A.Y.S.,” published in April 2021.

W.A.Y.S. = Why Aren’t You Smiling?

If someone were to ask you why do you do all the things you do? Why do you live? Why do you keep going in life? Who do you do it all for? Why aren’t you smiling through it all?

What would you say to that?

Lately, I’ve asked myself these same questions.

Tough questions to answer, but I do know —Everything I do in my life is for my family. For my future family. For myself. For the collective.

As I continue to move forward in life, I realize that life is really all about leaving this world a better place than how you found it. Smiling to a stranger. Giving a random compliment. Telling your loved one that you love them. Doing things from love. Falling in love. Proving to yourself that you have the discipline it takes to be great —to get after what you want. It takes a certain level of courage to do all of this.

And part of this too, is that you really have to trust God, the universe, your saints, you spirit guides, higher power, yourself —whomever you believe in to meet you where you are in life.

Cause everything takes time.

One of the most beautiful experiences is slowing down when the world is just constantly in motion. Time is all we have in this world and we never truly know when time will be taken away from us. That’s why each morning, it’s a blessing to live, to feel, to be present, and to smile.

As I’ve taken time to tap into my deepest thoughts, I’ve met my highest self. Deep down, she knows what she’s doing.

Trust the signs.

That everything will turn out fine.

When you trust the unknown, the uncertainty, the signs around you, God, the universe, and most importantly, when you trust yourself — you start smiling through all that life has to offer you.

P.S. I’m writing from my balcony on a hot summer night in Dallas, TX. Life can’t get any better right? hahah #blessed


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