Virgo Season
September 2022. Another year that’s almost coming to a close. New beginnings. New life. New seasons. An amazing feeling right? Can you feel how much you’ve grown since January 1, 2022?
I can’t really describe how life is right now other than just living and being the best human I can possibly be.
In the midst of searching for God, you find yourself.
And in the midst of searching for yourself, you find God.
How beautiful to think such a thing.
I have given myself peace by acknowledging that I’m doing the best I can in life with what I know. Sometimes I wonder if what I’m doing is enough, but remind myself that by waking up and taking action is an act of doing ‘enough.’ We’re constantly (or maybe it’s just me) beating ourselves up for not pushing ourselves, for not committing, for not making your bed that one day. But reality is, no one really cares other than yourself so just live life.
People wonder why I write. I write because it’s given me a form of creativity to reconnect with how I’m feeling. And at times, my writing perhaps gives someone else comfort knowing that we’re all here to live and somehow find our place in the world. But trying to find your place in the world can really be a journey if you’ve chosen not to create that world for yourself. These past few months, I’ve grown to create space for who I want to be and really own that space. While I continue on my personal growth, I recognize that I am a masterpiece — a work of art that’s still in progress.
I’m constantly changing and every moment is a new opportunity to define yourself (if you want to of course).
Some people have a strong sense of self and that’s such a beautiful thing to have.
It’s also important to not limit yourself in all that you can be.
And if all you did was wake up to grab a cup of coffee. Then, indeed a beautiful day for a cup of coffee.