
One of the most beautiful experiences we’ll ever have in life is to love and be loved in return. But what is love? ‘Love’ itself is difficult to describe.

Love is a choice. We must be open to receive love and risk being hurt. We open up to the unknown and that’s what excites us; it’s about the journey of finding ourselves through the actions in everything we do. At times, love makes us do things we’ve never done before. And at times, love teaches us the difference between infatuation/expectations and genuine love.

In the most purest and most raw form, love cannot hurt. For love allows things to flow and allows things to take its full form—just like water flowing through the river. Love cannot restrict for love must allow change to happen— like the ripples that forever change the movement of the river.

One cannot search for love— love starts within. When you wake up and are grateful to be alive, that’s how you know you’ve found love.




Life (Cheers)